This task was coded with jsPsych v7.2. The source code and materials are available in my GitHub
Here is the key javascript.
var jsPsych = initJsPsych({
on_finish: function(){
window.location.href = debrifurl},
/* url parameters*/
var id ="subjectid");
var debrifurl = "".concat(id) // go to another task
/* create timeline */
var timeline = [];
/* preload images */
var preload = {
type: jsPsychPreload,
images: ['n1r1.png', 'n1r2.png', 'n1r3.png', 'n1r4.png','n1r5.png','n1r6.png', 'n1r7.png', 'n1r8.png',
'n2r1.png', 'n2r2.png', 'n2r3.png', 'n2r4.png','n2r5.png','n2r6.png', 'n2r7.png', 'n2r8.png',
'n3r1.png', 'n3r2.png', 'n3r3.png', 'n3r4.png','n3r5.png','n3r6.png', 'n3r7.png', 'n3r8.png',
'n4r1.png', 'n4r2.png', 'n4r3.png', 'n4r4.png','n4r5.png','n4r6.png', 'n4r7.png', 'n4r8.png',
'n5r1.png', 'n5r2.png', 'n5r3.png', 'n5r4.png','n5r5.png','n5r6.png', 'n5r7.png', 'n5r8.png',
'n6r1.png', 'n6r2.png', 'n6r3.png', 'n6r4.png','n6r5.png','n6r6.png', 'n6r7.png', 'n6r8.png',
'n7r1.png', 'n7r2.png', 'n7r3.png', 'n7r4.png','n7r5.png','n7r6.png', 'n7r7.png', 'n7r8.png',
'n8r1.png', 'n8r2.png', 'n8r3.png', 'n8r4.png','n8r5.png','n8r6.png', 'n8r7.png', 'n8r8.png',
'n9r1.png', 'n9r2.png', 'n9r3.png', 'n9r4.png','n9r5.png','n9r6.png', 'n9r7.png', 'n9r8.png',
'n10r1.png', 'n10r2.png', 'n10r3.png', 'n10r4.png',
// settings
var pic_duration = 5000;
var fix_duration = [200,500,700,900,1000];
var pic_size = 400;
var FullScreenOn = {
type: jsPsychFullscreen,
message: "<p>The experiment will be in full screen mode once you click on the button.</p>",
button_label: 'Full Screen Mode',
fullscreen_mode: true
/* instructions */
var welcome = {
type: jsPsychHtmlKeyboardResponse,
stimulus: '<p>Welcome to the Dot Enumeration Task.</p>' +
'<p>In this task, we would like to know, as fast as you can and without making any mistakes, how many dots you see on the screen.</p>'+
'<p>A cross will appear on the screen followed by a display of dots. </p>'+
'Press the SPACE BAR as soon as you identify how many dots there are on the screen, and then select your answer immediately.<p>'+
'<p><b>Please respond as accurately and quickly as possible.</b></p>'+
'Press SPACEBAR to begin practice trials',
choices: [' '],
/* defining practice stimululi*/
var prac_stimuli = [
{prac_stimulus: 'n1r1.png', correct_response:0},
{prac_stimulus: 'n2r1.png', correct_response:1},
{prac_stimulus: 'n3r1.png', correct_response:2},
{prac_stimulus: 'n4r1.png', correct_response:3},
{prac_stimulus: 'n5r1.png', correct_response:4},
{prac_stimulus: 'n6r1.png', correct_response:5},
{prac_stimulus: 'n7r1.png', correct_response:6},
{prac_stimulus: 'n8r1.png', correct_response:7},
{prac_stimulus: 'n9r1.png', correct_response:8},
var fixation = {
type: jsPsychHtmlKeyboardResponse,
stimulus: '<div style="font-size:48px;">+</div>',
choices: "NO_KEYS",
trial_duration: jsPsych.randomization.sampleWithReplacement(fix_duration, 1),
data: {phase: 'fixation',},
var prac_stimulus = {
type: jsPsychImageKeyboardResponse,
stimulus: jsPsych.timelineVariable('prac_stimulus'),
stimulus_height: pic_size,
maintain_aspect_ratio: true,
choices: [' '],
data: {
phase: 'prac_stimulus',
// response and feedback
var msg;
var prac_response = {
type: jsPsychHtmlButtonResponse,
stimulus: '<p>How many dots were on the screen?</p>',
choices: ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10'],
prompt: "<p>Select a number</p>",
phase: 'practice_resp',
correct_responses: jsPsych.timelineVariable('correct_response'),
on_finish: function(data){
data.correct = data.response==jsPsych.timelineVariable('correct_response');
if (data.correct){
msg = "<p style='font-size:22px; color:green;'>Correct!</p>";
} else {
msg = "<p style='font-size:22px; color:red;'>Incorrect!</p>";
var practice_feedback = {
type: jsPsychHtmlKeyboardResponse,
trial_duration: 1000,
choices: "NO_KEYS",
stimulus: function(){return msg;},
var practice_procedure = {
timeline: [fixation, prac_stimulus, prac_response, practice_feedback],
timeline_variables: jsPsych.randomization.shuffleNoRepeats(prac_stimuli), // make sure that neighboring elements in the array are different.
// randomize_order: true,
repetitions: 1,
// Formal Experiment
var pre_test = {
type: jsPsychHtmlKeyboardResponse,
stimulus: '<p>This is the end of the practice trials. You will now begin the experiment trials. </p> '+
'Feedback will NOT be provided</p> ' +
'Press Spacebar to begin.</p>',
choices: [' '],
var test_stimuli = [
{stimulus: "n1r1.png", correct_response: 0},
{ stimulus: "n1r2.png", correct_response: 0},
{ stimulus: "n1r3.png", correct_response: 0},
{ stimulus: "n1r4.png", correct_response: 0},
{ stimulus: "n1r5.png", correct_response: 0},
{ stimulus: "n1r6.png", correct_response: 0},
{ stimulus: "n1r7.png", correct_response: 0},
{ stimulus: "n1r8.png", correct_response: 0},
{stimulus: "n2r1.png", correct_response: 1},
{ stimulus: "n2r2.png", correct_response: 1},
{ stimulus: "n2r3.png", correct_response: 1},
{ stimulus: "n2r4.png", correct_response: 1},
{ stimulus: "n2r5.png", correct_response: 1},
{ stimulus: "n2r6.png", correct_response: 1},
{ stimulus: "n2r7.png", correct_response: 1},
{ stimulus: "n2r8.png", correct_response: 1},
{stimulus: "n3r1.png", correct_response: 2},
{ stimulus: "n3r2.png", correct_response: 2},
{ stimulus: "n3r3.png", correct_response: 2},
{ stimulus: "n3r4.png", correct_response: 2},
{ stimulus: "n3r5.png", correct_response: 2},
{ stimulus: "n3r6.png", correct_response: 2},
{ stimulus: "n3r7.png", correct_response: 2},
{ stimulus: "n3r8.png", correct_response: 2},
{stimulus: "n4r1.png", correct_response: 3},
{ stimulus: "n4r2.png", correct_response: 3},
{ stimulus: "n4r3.png", correct_response: 3},
{ stimulus: "n4r4.png", correct_response: 3},
{ stimulus: "n4r5.png", correct_response: 3},
{ stimulus: "n4r6.png", correct_response: 3},
{ stimulus: "n4r7.png", correct_response: 3},
{ stimulus: "n4r8.png", correct_response: 3},
{stimulus: "n5r1.png", correct_response: 4},
{ stimulus: "n5r2.png", correct_response: 4},
{ stimulus: "n5r3.png", correct_response: 4},
{ stimulus: "n5r4.png", correct_response: 4},
{ stimulus: "n5r5.png", correct_response: 4},
{ stimulus: "n5r6.png", correct_response: 4},
{ stimulus: "n5r7.png", correct_response: 4},
{ stimulus: "n5r8.png", correct_response: 4},
{stimulus: "n6r1.png", correct_response: 5},
{ stimulus: "n6r2.png", correct_response: 5},
{ stimulus: "n6r3.png", correct_response: 5},
{ stimulus: "n6r4.png", correct_response: 5},
{ stimulus: "n6r5.png", correct_response: 5},
{ stimulus: "n6r6.png", correct_response: 5},
{ stimulus: "n6r7.png", correct_response: 5},
{ stimulus: "n6r8.png", correct_response: 5},
{stimulus: "n7r1.png", correct_response: 6},
{ stimulus: "n7r2.png", correct_response: 6},
{ stimulus: "n7r3.png", correct_response: 6},
{ stimulus: "n7r4.png", correct_response: 6},
{ stimulus: "n7r5.png", correct_response: 6},
{ stimulus: "n7r6.png", correct_response: 6},
{ stimulus: "n7r7.png", correct_response: 6},
{ stimulus: "n7r8.png", correct_response: 6},
{stimulus: "n8r1.png", correct_response: 7},
{ stimulus: "n8r2.png", correct_response: 7},
{ stimulus: "n8r3.png", correct_response: 7},
{ stimulus: "n8r4.png", correct_response: 7},
{ stimulus: "n8r5.png", correct_response: 7},
{ stimulus: "n8r6.png", correct_response: 7},
{ stimulus: "n8r7.png", correct_response: 7},
{ stimulus: "n8r8.png", correct_response: 7},
{stimulus: "n9r1.png", correct_response: 8},
{ stimulus: "n9r2.png", correct_response: 8},
{ stimulus: "n9r3.png", correct_response: 8},
{ stimulus: "n9r4.png", correct_response: 8},
{ stimulus: "n9r5.png", correct_response: 8},
{ stimulus: "n9r6.png", correct_response: 8},
{ stimulus: "n9r7.png", correct_response: 8},
{ stimulus: "n9r8.png", correct_response: 8},
{ stimulus: "n10r1.png", correct_response: 9},
{ stimulus: "n10r2.png", correct_response: 9},
{ stimulus: "n10r3.png", correct_response: 9},
{ stimulus: "n10r4.png", correct_response: 9},
/* define break trial */
var trial_count = 0;
var break_trial = {
type: jsPsychHtmlKeyboardResponse,
stimulus: "<p style='font-size: 18px'>Please take a short break if needed.</p>" +
"<p style='font-size: 18px'>When you are ready, continue by pressing the SPACEBAR.</p>",
var break_conditional = {
timeline: [break_trial],
// block rest determination
conditional_function: function() {
// increment trial count - in first run through the timeline variables procedure, trial_count will be equal to 1
if (trial_count % 41 == 0 && trial_count!=0) {
// if the trial count is divisible by 40, then run the break trial
return true;
} else {
// otherwise skip the break trial
return false;
var test_stimulus = {
type: jsPsychImageKeyboardResponse,
stimulus: jsPsych.timelineVariable('stimulus'),
stimulus_height: pic_size,
maintain_aspect_ratio: true,
choices: [' '],
data: {
phase: 'test_stimulus',
var test_response = {
type: jsPsychHtmlButtonResponse,
stimulus: '<p>How many dots were on the screen?</p>',
choices: ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10'],
prompt: "<p>Select a number</p>",
phase: 'test_resp',
correct_responses: jsPsych.timelineVariable('correct_response'),
on_finish: function(data){
data.correct = data.response==jsPsych.timelineVariable('correct_response');},
var test_procedure = {
timeline: [fixation, test_stimulus, test_response, break_conditional],
timeline_variables: jsPsych.randomization.shuffleNoRepeats(test_stimuli),
// randomize_order: true,
repetitions: 2,
var post_test = {
type: jsPsychHtmlKeyboardResponse,
stimulus: '<p>You have finished the Dot Enumeration Task.</p> '+
'Press Spacebar to start next task.</p>',
choices: [' '],
/* start the experiment */;