This piece of code is revised by Dr Jian Chen based on the published code from R. Gibeau (2021) The Corsi Blocks Task: Variations and coding with jsPsych. The Quantitative Methods for Psychology. 10.20982/tqmp.17.3.p299
In this version, I follow the classical Corsi task in which 9 sequences are presented in a fixed order. Blocks are presented in fixed positions. For each sequence has two trials. Participants need to pass at least one trial to get to the next sequence.
Please notice, given this piece code is based on a exisiting task, so some code look dumb here and there. There are better ways to achieve this but for the moment this is the most time efficient way for me. I will look into the possibility to recode it into a more neat way using the newest version of jsPsych.
This task runs in jsPsych v6.1.0. It does not work in other versions.
- 25.7.2022 add termination if two continuous errors in one sequence.
Here is the main code (also available on my GitHub page (https://github.com/jianch/Corsi-Block-Task). You will also need a specific plugin to run this task: jspsych-html-keyboard-response-noerase.js.
Have fun.
/* url parameters*/
var id = jsPsych.data.getURLVariable("subjectid");
var debrifurl = "https://jianchen.info?subjectid=".concat(id) // simple reaction task
// ******************************
// * Defining general stuff *
// ******************************
console.log('Begining of the parameter definitions')
// Experiment parameters
var nItems = 9 // total number of squares on the display. Fixed in this experiment
// the sequence lengths to test the participant with, with the variable "OneSequenceLength"
var sequenceLengths_prac = [{OneSequenceLength: 2}];
var sequenceLengths = [{OneSequenceLength: 2},{OneSequenceLength: 3},{OneSequenceLength: 4},{OneSequenceLength: 5},
{OneSequenceLength: 6},{OneSequenceLength: 7},{OneSequenceLength: 8},{OneSequenceLength: 9}];
var sequenceRandomOrder = false // true for "random" or false for "sequential"
var sequenceRepetition = 2 // how many times each length is tested
// Trial parameters
var InterTrialDuration = 100 // e.g., REF
var FixationDuration = 400 // e.g., REF
var MouseToBeHidden = false
var PreBlinkDuration = 500 // e.g., REF
var BlinkDuration = 400 // e.g., REF
var PostBlinkDuration = 500 // e.g., REF
var InterBlinkDuration = 400 // e.g., REF
var RecallSignal = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RMG2424/Dr.-Mid-Nite/master/CorsiBlockjsPsych/500hz-400ms.wav'
var RecallSignalDuration = 400
var AcknowledgeDuration = 200 // e.g., REF
// Item parameters; assembled using makeItem
var BackgroundColor = "white" // accept the HTML-defined colors
var TextColor = "black" //
var OneItemShape = "rect" // one of the svg primitive
var OneItemShownColor = "rgb(0,0,0)" // black
var OneItemBlinkColor = "rgb(128,128,128)" // gray
var OneItemClickColor = "rgb(0,0,255)" // blue
var OneItemSize = 1/10 // proportion of the item relative to minscreen
var OneItemMargin = 1/50 // margin to leave empty around the item, relative to minscreen
console.log('End of the parameter definitions')
var preload = {
type: 'preload',
auto_preload: true}
// set the background color
document.body.style.backgroundColor = BackgroundColor;
document.body.style.color = TextColor;
// these two lines convert the relative sizes into pixel sizes LEAVE UNCHANGED
var OneItemSizePX = Math.floor(OneItemSize * Math.min(screen.width, screen.height))
var OneItemMarginPX = Math.floor(OneItemMargin * Math.min(screen.width, screen.height))
console.log(`Item dimensions in pixels are: (size) ${OneItemSizePX}, (margins) ${OneItemMarginPX}`);
// Function that builts an HTML svg (scalable vector graphic) image
// may need to be adapted if a different shape is chosen
var makeItem = function(color) {
return(`<svg width="${OneItemSizePX}" height="${OneItemSizePX}"><${OneItemShape} width="${OneItemSizePX}" height="${OneItemSizePX}" style="fill:${color};stroke-width:0;"></svg>`);
// Empty lists of items; are to be populated by PositionFunction
var ListOfItems = new Array(nItems); // the array is full length bcse jsPsych updates it too slow
var ListOfBlinkingItems = new Array(nItems); // idem
var ListOfButtons = new Array(0);
var nBlinkingItems = null;
var nBlinkingItems = null;
var acc_accumulation = null;
// create items positions
// relative X position of items
ListOfItems[0] = []; ListOfItems[1] = []; ListOfItems[2] = []; ListOfItems[3] = [];
ListOfItems[4] = []; ListOfItems[5] = []; ListOfItems[6] = []; ListOfItems[7] = []; ListOfItems[8] = [];
ListOfItems[0].x = 0.5 * screen.width;
ListOfItems[1].x = 0.27 * screen.width;
ListOfItems[2].x = 0.64 * screen.width;
ListOfItems[3].x = 0.31 * screen.width;
ListOfItems[4].x = 0.55 * screen.width;
ListOfItems[5].x = 0.70 * screen.width;
ListOfItems[6].x = 0.23 * screen.width;
ListOfItems[7].x = 0.38 * screen.width;
ListOfItems[8].x = 0.52 * screen.width;
ListOfItemsXPositions = [ListOfItems[0].x, ListOfItems[1].x, ListOfItems[2].x, ListOfItems[3].x, ListOfItems[4].x,
ListOfItems[5].x,ListOfItems[6].x,ListOfItems[7].x, ListOfItems[8].x]
// relative Y position of items
ListOfItems[0].y = 0.25 * screen.height;
ListOfItems[1].y = 0.14 * screen.height;
ListOfItems[2].y = 0.29 * screen.height;
ListOfItems[3].y = 0.35 * screen.height;
ListOfItems[4].y = 0.42 * screen.height;
ListOfItems[5].y = 0.51 * screen.height;
ListOfItems[6].y = 0.52 * screen.height;
ListOfItems[7].y = 0.63 * screen.height;
ListOfItems[8].y = 0.58 * screen.height;
ListOfItems[0].ItemHTML = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[0].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[0].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)} </p>`;
ListOfItems[0].ItemBLANK = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[0].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[0].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemBlinkColor)}</p>`;
ListOfItems[0].ItemACKNW = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[0].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[0].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemClickColor)}</p>`;
ListOfItems[1].ItemHTML = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[1].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[1].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)} </p>`;
ListOfItems[1].ItemBLANK = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[1].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[1].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemBlinkColor)}</p>`;
ListOfItems[1].ItemACKNW = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[1].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[1].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemClickColor)}</p>`;
ListOfItems[2].ItemHTML = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[2].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[2].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)} </p>`;
ListOfItems[2].ItemBLANK = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[2].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[2].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemBlinkColor)}</p>`;
ListOfItems[2].ItemACKNW = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[2].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[2].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemClickColor)}</p>`;
ListOfItems[3].ItemHTML = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[3].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[3].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)} </p>`;
ListOfItems[3].ItemBLANK = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[3].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[3].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemBlinkColor)}</p>`;
ListOfItems[3].ItemACKNW = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[3].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[3].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemClickColor)}</p>`;
ListOfItems[4].ItemHTML = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[4].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[4].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)} </p>`;
ListOfItems[4].ItemBLANK = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[4].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[4].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemBlinkColor)}</p>`;
ListOfItems[4].ItemACKNW = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[4].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[4].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemClickColor)}</p>`;
ListOfItems[5].ItemHTML = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[5].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[5].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)} </p>`;
ListOfItems[5].ItemBLANK = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[5].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[5].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemBlinkColor)}</p>`;
ListOfItems[5].ItemACKNW = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[5].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[5].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemClickColor)}</p>`;
ListOfItems[6].ItemHTML = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[6].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[6].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)} </p>`;
ListOfItems[6].ItemBLANK = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[6].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[6].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemBlinkColor)}</p>`;
ListOfItems[6].ItemACKNW = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[6].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[6].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemClickColor)}</p>`;
ListOfItems[7].ItemHTML = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[7].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[7].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)} </p>`;
ListOfItems[7].ItemBLANK = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[7].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[7].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemBlinkColor)}</p>`;
ListOfItems[7].ItemACKNW = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[7].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[7].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemClickColor)}</p>`;
ListOfItems[8].ItemHTML = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[8].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[8].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)} </p>`;
ListOfItems[8].ItemBLANK = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[8].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[8].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemBlinkColor)}</p>`;
ListOfItems[8].ItemACKNW = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfItems[8].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[8].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemClickColor)}</p>`;
console.log('List of items done.')
// list of blinking items
ListOfBlinkingItems[0] = [];
ListOfBlinkingItems[0].x = ListOfItems[0].x;
ListOfBlinkingItems[0].y = ListOfItems[0].y;
ListOfBlinkingItems[0].ItemHTML = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[0].x}px; top: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[0].y}px">${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)}</p>`;
ListOfBlinkingItems[0].ItemBLANK = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[0].x}px; top: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[0].y}px">${makeItem(OneItemBlinkColor)}</p>`;
ListOfBlinkingItems[1] = [];
ListOfBlinkingItems[1].x = ListOfItems[1].x;
ListOfBlinkingItems[1].y = ListOfItems[1].y;
ListOfBlinkingItems[1].ItemHTML = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[1].x}px; top: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[1].y}px">${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)}</p>`;
ListOfBlinkingItems[1].ItemBLANK = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[1].x}px; top: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[1].y}px">${makeItem(OneItemBlinkColor)}</p>`;
ListOfBlinkingItems[2] = [];
ListOfBlinkingItems[2].x = ListOfItems[2].x;
ListOfBlinkingItems[2].y = ListOfItems[2].y;
ListOfBlinkingItems[2].ItemHTML = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[2].x}px; top: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[2].y}px">${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)}</p>`;
ListOfBlinkingItems[2].ItemBLANK = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[2].x}px; top: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[2].y}px">${makeItem(OneItemBlinkColor)}</p>`;
ListOfBlinkingItems[3] = [];
ListOfBlinkingItems[3].x = ListOfItems[3].x;
ListOfBlinkingItems[3].y = ListOfItems[3].y;
ListOfBlinkingItems[3].ItemHTML = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[3].x}px; top: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[3].y}px">${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)}</p>`;
ListOfBlinkingItems[3].ItemBLANK = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[3].x}px; top: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[3].y}px">${makeItem(OneItemBlinkColor)}</p>`;
ListOfBlinkingItems[4] = [];
ListOfBlinkingItems[4].x = ListOfItems[4].x;
ListOfBlinkingItems[4].y = ListOfItems[4].y;
ListOfBlinkingItems[4].ItemHTML = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[4].x}px; top: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[4].y}px">${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)}</p>`;
ListOfBlinkingItems[4].ItemBLANK = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[4].x}px; top: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[4].y}px">${makeItem(OneItemBlinkColor)}</p>`;
ListOfBlinkingItems[5] = [];
ListOfBlinkingItems[5].x = ListOfItems[5].x;
ListOfBlinkingItems[5].y = ListOfItems[5].y;
ListOfBlinkingItems[5].ItemHTML = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[5].x}px; top: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[5].y}px">${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)}</p>`;
ListOfBlinkingItems[5].ItemBLANK = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[5].x}px; top: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[5].y}px">${makeItem(OneItemBlinkColor)}</p>`;
ListOfBlinkingItems[6] = [];
ListOfBlinkingItems[6].x = ListOfItems[6].x;
ListOfBlinkingItems[6].y = ListOfItems[6].y;
ListOfBlinkingItems[6].ItemHTML = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[6].x}px; top: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[6].y}px">${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)}</p>`;
ListOfBlinkingItems[6].ItemBLANK = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[6].x}px; top: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[6].y}px">${makeItem(OneItemBlinkColor)}</p>`;
ListOfBlinkingItems[7] = [];
ListOfBlinkingItems[7].x = ListOfItems[7].x;
ListOfBlinkingItems[7].y = ListOfItems[7].y;
ListOfBlinkingItems[7].ItemHTML = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[7].x}px; top: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[7].y}px">${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)}</p>`;
ListOfBlinkingItems[7].ItemBLANK = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[7].x}px; top: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[7].y}px">${makeItem(OneItemBlinkColor)}</p>`;
ListOfBlinkingItems[8] = [];
ListOfBlinkingItems[8].x = ListOfItems[8].x;
ListOfBlinkingItems[8].y = ListOfItems[8].y;
ListOfBlinkingItems[8].ItemHTML = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[8].x}px; top: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[8].y}px">${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)}</p>`;
ListOfBlinkingItems[8].ItemBLANK = `<p style = "position:absolute; margin-top: 0em; left: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[8].x}px; top: ${ListOfBlinkingItems[8].y}px">${makeItem(OneItemBlinkColor)}</p>`;
console.log('List of bliking items done.')
console.log('End of the items definitions')
// they are also concatenated in a list of buttons
ListOfButtons.push(`<button type=button style = "position:absolute; `+ `margin-top: 0px; padding: 0px; background: none; `+
`border: none; left: ${ListOfItems[0].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[0].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)}</button>` )
ListOfButtons.push(`<button type=button style = "position:absolute; `+ `margin-top: 0px; padding: 0px; background: none; `+
`border: none; left: ${ListOfItems[1].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[1].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)}</button>` )
ListOfButtons.push(`<button type=button style = "position:absolute; `+ `margin-top: 0px; padding: 0px; background: none; `+
`border: none; left: ${ListOfItems[2].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[2].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)}</button>` )
ListOfButtons.push(`<button type=button style = "position:absolute; `+ `margin-top: 0px; padding: 0px; background: none; `+
`border: none; left: ${ListOfItems[3].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[3].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)}</button>` )
ListOfButtons.push(`<button type=button style = "position:absolute; `+ `margin-top: 0px; padding: 0px; background: none; `+
`border: none; left: ${ListOfItems[4].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[4].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)}</button>` )
ListOfButtons.push(`<button type=button style = "position:absolute; `+ `margin-top: 0px; padding: 0px; background: none; `+
`border: none; left: ${ListOfItems[5].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[5].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)}</button>` )
ListOfButtons.push(`<button type=button style = "position:absolute; `+ `margin-top: 0px; padding: 0px; background: none; `+
`border: none; left: ${ListOfItems[6].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[6].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)}</button>` )
ListOfButtons.push(`<button type=button style = "position:absolute; `+ `margin-top: 0px; padding: 0px; background: none; `+
`border: none; left: ${ListOfItems[7].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[7].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)}</button>` )
ListOfButtons.push(`<button type=button style = "position:absolute; `+ `margin-top: 0px; padding: 0px; background: none; `+
`border: none; left: ${ListOfItems[8].x}px; top: ${ListOfItems[8].y}px">`+ `${makeItem(OneItemShownColor)}</button>` )
console.log('List of buttons done.')
// mouse pointer functions
var HideMouse = function() { if (MouseToBeHidden) {
document.querySelector('head').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<style id="cursor-toggle"> html { cursor: none; } </style>');
var ShowMouse = function() { if (MouseToBeHidden) {
console.log('hide mouse ')
// ***************************************
// * Defining experiment-level events *
// ***************************************
// // Toggle full screen on or off
// var FullScreenOn = {
// type: 'fullscreen',
// message: "<p>The experiment will be in full screen mode once you click on the button.</p>",
// button_label: 'Full Screen Mode',
// fullscreen_mode: true
// }
// var FullScreenOff = {
// type: 'fullscreen',
// fullscreen_mode: false
// }
// the Welcome and Bye object descriptions
var SayWelcome = {
type: 'html-button-response',
stimulus: 'Welcome to the Corsi Task. </p> In this task, we would like to know how well you can reproduce the order of blocks highlighted on the screen. </p> '+
'First, you will be shown the order of blocks highlighted one by one on the screen and you should try to remember the order of the blocks highlighted as accurately as possible.</p>' +
'You will then immediately reproduce the same order of blocks highlighted by clicking on the blocks in exactly the same order as shown before.</p>' +
'Click on the Next button to begin the practice trials.',
choices: ['Next'],
var SayFormal = {
type: 'html-button-response',
stimulus: 'This is the end of the practice trials. You will now begin the experiment trials. </p>Click on the Next button to begin.',
choices: ['Next'],
var SayBye = {
type: 'html-button-response',
stimulus: 'Thank you for your participation.</p> Click on Next button to start next task.',
choices: ['Next'],
// ***************************************
// * Defining trial-level events *
// ***************************************
var SetnBlinkingItems = {
type: 'call-function',
func: function() {
nBlinkingItems = jsPsych.timelineVariable("OneSequenceLength", true);
console.log("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<number of blinking items:", nBlinkingItems);
currentBlinkingItem = 0; // counter that will count the number of blinks
currentResponse = 0; // counter that will count the number of responses
var WaitInterTrialDuration = {
type: 'html-keyboard-response-noerase',
stimulus: '',
choices: "NO_KEYS",
trial_duration: InterTrialDuration
var WaitPreBlinkDuration = {
type: 'html-keyboard-response-noerase',
stimulus: '',
choices: "NO_KEYS",
trial_duration: PreBlinkDuration
var WaitBlinkDuration = {
type: 'html-keyboard-response-noerase',
stimulus: '',
choices: "NO_KEYS",
trial_duration: BlinkDuration
var WaitInterBlinkDuration = {
type: 'html-keyboard-response-noerase',
stimulus: '',
choices: "NO_KEYS",
trial_duration: InterBlinkDuration
var WaitPostBlinkDuration = {
type: 'html-keyboard-response-noerase',
stimulus: '',
choices: "NO_KEYS",
trial_duration: PostBlinkDuration,
var ShowFixation = {
type: 'html-keyboard-response',
stimulus: '+',
choices: "NO_KEYS",
trial_duration: FixationDuration,
on_start: HideMouse
var ShowOneItem = {
type: 'html-keyboard-response-noerase',
stimulus: jsPsych.timelineVariable('ItemHTML'),
choices: "NO_KEYS",
trial_duration: 0
var ShowAllItems = {
timeline: [ ShowOneItem ],
timeline_variables: ListOfItems
var BlinkOneItem = {
type: 'html-keyboard-response-noerase',
stimulus: jsPsych.timelineVariable('ItemBLANK'),
choices: jsPsych.NO_KEYS,
trial_duration: 0,
data: {phase: 'BlinkedItemsPhase'},
var BlinkAllItems = {
timeline: [ BlinkOneItem, WaitBlinkDuration, ShowOneItem, WaitInterBlinkDuration ],
timeline_variables: ListOfBlinkingItems,
sample: {type: 'without-replacement'},
conditional_function: function() {if(currentBlinkingItem++ < nBlinkingItems) {return true;} else {return false;}}
var StartResponding = {
type: 'audio-keyboard-response',
stimulus: RecallSignal,
choices: jsPsych.NO_KEYS,
trial_duration: RecallSignalDuration,
on_start: ShowMouse
var BlinkThatResponse = {
type: 'html-button-response',
stimulus: '',
button_html: function() {
var choice = jsPsych.data.get().last(1).values()[0].button_pressed;
if (choice !== null) {return ListOfButtons.concat(ListOfItems[choice].ItemACKNW);}
else {return "";}
trial_duration: AcknowledgeDuration,
choices: function() {return [...Array(ListOfButtons.length+1).keys()]}
var ReadOneResponse = {
type: 'html-button-response',
stimulus: '',
button_html: ListOfButtons,
choices: function() {return [...Array(ListOfButtons.length).keys()] },
trial_duration: 5000
var ReadAllResponses = {
timeline: [ ReadOneResponse, BlinkThatResponse ],
timeline_variables: ListOfBlinkingItems,
conditional_function: function() {if(currentResponse++ < nBlinkingItems) {return true;} else {return false;}}
let j = 1;
let terminate = false;
var GatherResponses = {
// jsPsych.data collects everything, so needs to filter
// the odd button presses on the last 2*nBlinkingItems events
type: 'call-function',
func: function() {
// Find the blink positions.
var blinkedItems = jsPsych.data.get().filter({phase: 'BlinkedItemsPhase'}).last(nBlinkingItems).select('stimulus').values;
let xPositions = "";
let xPositions_index = "";
for (let i = 0; i < blinkedItems.length; i++) {
xPositions = blinkedItems[i].match(/(-\d+|\d+)(,\d+)*(\.\d+)*/g)[1] // extract X position numbers;
xPositions_index = xPositions_index + [ListOfItemsXPositions.findIndex(element => element == xPositions)]
var stem = jsPsych.data.get().filter({trial_type: 'html-button-response'}).last(2*nBlinkingItems);
var responses = stem.select('button_pressed').values.filter((a,i)=>i%2===0);
responses = responses.map(Number);
jsPsych.data.addProperties({resp: responses});
console.log("click order: ", responses )
var correct = Array.from(String(xPositions_index), Number);
jsPsych.data.addProperties({stimuli: correct});
console.log("Correct: ", correct)
var acc = responses.every(function(value, index) { return value === correct[index]});
jsPsych.data.addProperties({accuracy: acc});
var rts = stem.select('rt').values.filter((a,i)=>i%2===0);
jsPsych.data.addProperties({RT: rts});
console.log("Responses: ", responses, " accuracty: ", acc, " RT: ", rts);
// calculate acc for two trials in one sequence
if (j%2===0 && j!=0) {
acc_accumulation = acc_accumulation+acc;
// console.log("acc_accumulation 1: ",acc_accumulation)
if (acc_accumulation==0){terminate = true;} else {terminate = false}
// console.log("termination status 1:", terminate)
acc_accumulation = 0;
j = 1;
} else {
acc_accumulation = acc_accumulation+acc;
// console.log("acc_accumulation: ",acc_accumulation, "j ",j, "termination status:", terminate)
var break_trial = {
type: 'html-button-response',
stimulus: " ",
choices: " ",
trial_duration: 1000,
var break_conditional = {
timeline: [break_trial],
// terminate experiment if two errors in a row.
conditional_function: function() {
if (terminate==true) {
return jsPsych.endExperiment('This task has been terminated.');;
} else {
return null;
var RunOneTrial_prac = {
timeline: [ SetnBlinkingItems,
randomize_order: false,
repetitions: sequenceRepetition
var RunOneTrial = {
timeline: [ SetnBlinkingItems,
break_conditional // break if fails both trials in one sequence.
randomize_order: false,
repetitions: sequenceRepetition
var RunPractice = {
timeline: [ RunOneTrial_prac ],
timeline_variables: sequenceLengths_prac,
randomize_order: sequenceRandomOrder
var RunAllTrials = {
timeline: [ RunOneTrial ],
timeline_variables: sequenceLengths,
randomize_order: sequenceRandomOrder
use_webaudio: false,
timeline: [SayWelcome, RunPractice, SayFormal, RunAllTrials, SayBye],
on_finish: function(){
window.location.href = debrifurl},