陈建 等,《精神分裂症:你和你的家人需要知道的》,重庆大学出版社,2018。ISBN: 9787568909167.[译著] Chen J., et al., Surviving Schizophrenia: A Family Manual, Sixth Edition, Chongqing University Press, Book Translation, 2018. ISBN: 9787568909167
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Chen, J., Paul, J. M., & Reeve, R. (2022). Manipulation of attention affects subitizing performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 139, 104753.
陈建, 蒋健昌, 袁杰. (2019). 精神分裂症中文诊断名再议. 四川精神卫生.32(6), 548–551. / Chen. J., Jiang J., Yuan J. (2019). A retrospective review of Chinese translated name of schizophrenia. Sichuan Mental Health. 32(6), 548–551.
Yuan, J., Hu, X., Chen, J., Bodenhausen, G. V, & Fu, S. (2019). One of us? how facial and symbolic cues to own- versus other-race membership influence access to perceptual awareness. Cognition, 184, 19–27.
Chen, J., Yuan, J. (2016). The neural causes of congenital amusia. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(30), 7803–7804.
陈建, 袁杰, 汪海玲, 王妍, 傅世敏. (2013). C1调制效应的理论评述及影响因素. 心理科学进展, 21(3), 407-417.
Conference Proceedings
Costa da G., Chen J*. Math Anxiety Predicts Math Ability Among Adults. Australasian Mathematical Psychology Conference. Melbourne, Australia. 2023. [Talk]
Edmonds D., Chen J.* Anxiety in Lockdown – Where Social Support Exceeds Extraversion. Society for Affective Science Annual Meeting. Whova and Gather.Town, 30 Mar – 02 Apr 2022. [Poster]
Nicholas A, Chen J.* Is the Relationship Between Impulsivity and the Addictive Use of TikTok Moderated by Working Memory Capacity? The Australasian Congress for Personality and Individual Differences. Canberra, Australia. 2021. [Talk]
McCallum E, Chen J.*. The Moderating Effects of Personality on Self-Esteem and Addictive TikTok use. The Australasian Congress for Personality and Individual Differences. Canberra, Australia. 2021. [Poster]
Chen J. Does subitizing require attention? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Association for Interdisciplinary Meta-research & Open Science (AIMOS) conference. Melbourne, Australia. 2020. [Poster] [Early Career Researcher Award]
Chen J., Fu S. Attentional modulation on the long-distance, pattern-dependent contextual effect, APCV, Singapore, 2015. [Talk]
Yuan, J., Guo, S., Chen, J., Yang, X., Meng, M., & Fu, S. (2013, September). ERP correlates of graded and categorical face perception. In PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY (Vol. 50, pp. S54-S54). 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY-BLACKWELL. [Poster]
Chen J., Fu S. Orientation-dependent figure-ground segregation in human primary visual cortex, The Sixteenth Chinese National Conference on Psychology, Nanjing, China, 2013. [Poster]
Peng D., Chen J., Wei H. The ERP detection of mental arithmetic strategies, Advanced Materials Research, 2011, V301-303: 834-839. [Poster]